“Jesus Teaches Persistent Prayer”–7th Sunday after Pentecost

"Jesus Teaches Persistent Prayer"--7th Sunday after Pentecost

Fr Mark Tusken’s homily for the 7th Sunday after Pentecost, 07/24/2022, at Calvary Episcopal Church, Batavia, IL.

In today’s Gospel (Luke 11), His disciples ask Jesus how to pray. He shares with them the format for the Lord’s Prayer, then offers a parable of a person knocking on a neighbor’s door in the middle of the night to get some food to share with an unexpected guest. Ask, Seek, and Knock persistently and God will reward you.

Mark adds the parable about the persistent widow (Luke 18) to whom an unjust judge would provide justice to keep the widow from pestering him. How much more would God respond to persistent requests from His children?

(Readings: Hosea 1: 2-10; Psalm 85; Colossians 2: 6-15; Luke 11: 1-13; Luke 18: 1-8)

YouTube Link–Holistic Eucharist–7th Sunday after Pentecost–07/24/2022

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