
Jul 2024
Feeling the Compassion of Christ

In today's Gospel (Mark 6:30-34, 53-56), Jesus Christ felt compassion for the crowds that gathered around him. He acted out of that compassion. We, too, can feel that compassion and respond to it--feeding the hungry, helping those around us....

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Jul 2024
Peace, Be Still--God's Got This!

After the attempted assassination of former President Trump yesterday, two theologians marked the occasion by reminding Christians of the importance of bringing forward Christ's love, grace, and peace in all situations....

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Jun 2024
Faith over Fear

All three lessons today deal with having faith in God and following that faith to overcome fear. We, too, need to think about these lessons and to see how we can increase our faith to overcome fear and other challenges in our lives. "Faith over fear" is the common denominator in all of these lessons....

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Apr 2024
We Are Resurrected with Christ--Easter Sunday Homily

In our Baptism, we die and are buried with Jesus Christ. At the same time we are resurrected with Christ and He lives in us and we in Him. Through Jesus Christ we enjoy the promise of eternal life with God. Jesus's rising from the Dead made a great difference in the lives and attitudes of the disciples.....

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Feb 2024
Jesus Shares His Faith Journey

Each of us is on his/her own faith journey in this lifetime. By virtue of our Baptism, Jesus Christ is with us and we are part of the body of Christ. Lent is a time to reflect on our faith journey and to find ways to repent and come closer to God, to share in the spreading of "The Good News." ...

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Dec 2023
Mary's Choice Saved Us

Eve, a virgin promised to Adam, listened to the tempter and started the fall from the Garden of Eden. Mary, a virgin promised to Joseph, had a love of God in her heart and listened to a request from God given to her by an angel. Mary chose to say "yes" to that request and Jesus Christ became flesh and dwelt among us....

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Aug 2023
Have Faith--Believe in Christ

In today's Gospel (Matthew 14:22-33), Matthew describes a time when Jesus Christ walked toward their boat over a storm-tossed lake. Peter, after asking if it was really Jesus, asked Jesus to call him to come to Him over the water. Jesus told Peter, "Come" and Peter started out--then lost his nerve and started to sink. As Jesus reached out to Peter, he told him to have faith. We, too, need to grow in our faith in Jesus Christ, reaching out to him often....

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Jun 2023
Dead to Sin: Alive to God

Fr Michael Rasicci’s homily for the 4th Sunday after Pentecost, 06/25/2023–Mass on the Grass In the Second Lesson today, (Romans 6: 1b-11) Paul reminds us that, in our baptism, we were made dead to sin. By accepting Christ through the same baptism, we share in His resurrection–and are Alive to God. From the time of Christ up to and including today, Christians are making daily choices that often result in a martyr’s death. In today’s Gospel (Mark 10: 24-39) Christ tells His disciples, “Do not fear those who kill the body but......

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