
Jul 2020

Christ's words and Spirit are within us. We need to thank God daily for these gifts. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we can produce yields of 100, or, 60, or 30 times--in our words and deeds. ...

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Jul 2022

. Fr Marcus Johnson’s homily for the 5th Sunday after Pentecost, 07/10/2022, Calvary Episcopal Church, Batavia, IL. “Go and Do Likewise”–the parable of the Good Samaritan– Love the Lord. Love your Neighbor as Yourself. Who is my neighbor? This is Christ’s answer to “Who is my neighbor.” (Readings: Amos 7: 7-17; Psalm 82; Colossians 1: 1-14; Luke 10:25-37) YouTube Link: Holistic Eucharist–5th Sunday after Pentecost–07/10/2022 Link:–Our Online Giving Resource Link: CEB Stewardship 2022 Link: Independent Movie Study 2022      ...

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Jan 2021

Two Zoom Recordings are presented here–one from 01/03/2021 and one from 12/06/2020.. There are four files in each recording. These are housed on the Amazon Cloud server and are unedited files created by Zoom. Holistic Eucharist–01/03/2021 Holistic Eucharist—2nd Sunday after Christmas Day–01/03/2021–Zoom Speaker View Holistic Eucharist–2nd Sunday after Christmas Day–01/03/2021–Zoom Gallery View Holistic Eucharist–2nd Sunday after Christmas Day–01/03/2021–Zoom Audio Holistic Eucharist–2nd Sunday after Christmas Day–01/’03/2021–Zoom Chat Holistic Eucharist 12/06/2020 Holistic Eucharist–2nd Sunday of Advent–12/06/2020–Zoom Speaker View Holistic Eucharist–2nd Sunday of Advent–12/06/2020–Zoom Gallery View Holistic Eucharist–2nd Sunday of Advent–12/06/2020–Zoom Audio Holistic Eucharist–2nd Sunday......

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Nov 2020

While we work to resolve the issues generating these errors, if you refresh the page (by clicking on the curving arrow at the upper left where the URL is listed), you should get the page you are looking for. We’ll resolve the problem quickly. Part may also be that your computer has cached (saved) a version of the website that had the error–and will display it even after the page is fixed....

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Nov 2020

Follow this link to the 2021 Stewardship Letter. Follow this link to the Calvary Episcopal Batavia 2021 Stewardship Pledge Form

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Dec 2018

Message about our 2019 Budget from our Calvary Finance Chair Dear Calvary Parishioners,                                                         December 11, 2018 I am writing this message to all of you as an update on our preliminary 2019 budget results. The finance committee (Minnie Titus-Glover, Dan Hoefler, myself) together with the help of Dave Evensen, have put together the first draft of what we are expecting 2019 to look like.  The budget for Calvary Episcopal Church is relatively simple – with our biggest intake being pledges, and our largest expense being our church staff.   After that, there are......

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