Tag: Giving

Jan 2017

The Calvary Finance Ministry met this evening to prepare the 2017 Annual Budget for the Vestry to confirm on Monday, 1/9/2017, before our Calvary Annual Parish Meeting on Sunday, 1/22/2017. A few people are still behind on their 2016 pledges.  If anyone who reads this is behind (see your annual giving statement mailed to you or available in Memorial Hall), please get your 2016 payment in as soon as possible. Of the 112 pledging units available, only 65 have submitted pledges so far.  If you haven’t pledged and want to, use the......

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Nov 2016

As of 11/28, 19 pledges come to slightly over $50,000 toward our goal of $250,000.  Stewardship Sunday (when we hope all pledges are returned) is the second Sunday in Advent (12/4/2016).  If you can, watch “It’s a Wonderful Life” on NBC 5 on Saturday, 12/3/2016, at 7:00 PM. Thanks to all who have already turned-in their pledges! :-)   Calvary Stewardship Pledge Card 2017 Calvary 2017 Stewardship Campaign...

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