
Jun 2024
Faith over Fear

All three lessons today deal with having faith in God and following that faith to overcome fear. We, too, need to think about these lessons and to see how we can increase our faith to overcome fear and other challenges in our lives. "Faith over fear" is the common denominator in all of these lessons....

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Jun 2024
Parable of Growing Our Church

Our church has grown and evolved in all the years since then--sometimes with more members, sometimes with fewer members. We have never been huge. God looks into our hearts, and has planted a seed within each of us. We come together in Calvary to worship, to praise God, to learn, and to share. God helps us grow as individuals and as a parish community....

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May 2024
Holy Trinity--Triune God

When we pray, "Father, Son, and Holy Spirit" we are consciously reconnecting to God. As baptized Christians, the Holy Spirit is always with us and, because these three aspects of God are always connected, God is always with us. We need to remember this. God is with us in good times and bad times. Through Jesus Christ, we are promised eternal life with God....

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Mar 2024
Building Trust--A Solid Foundation--Homily--4th Sunday of Lent

Before a bird will sit on a person's finger, he will peck at the finger to see if it is solid enough to hold him. Nicodemus tested Jesus and Jesus shared some of His wisdom with Nicodemus. We, too, sometimes test Jesus to see if we can trust Him. While His words are sometimes confusing, his Disciples came to trust him--with everything. We, too, need to put our trust and faith in Jesus and to act accordingly....

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Jan 2024
Follow Me--I will make you fishers of men

In today's Gospel reading, (Mark 1: 14-20) and in Luke 5: (1-11), Jesus demonstrates His gifts and calls His disciples to him. They immediately leave what they were doing and follow him. How are we letting go of what preoccupies us and follow where Christ calls us to go, to do what Christ calls us to do, to be what Christ calls us to be?...

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Dec 2023
Keep Awake--Christ is Coming

Jesus Christ comes to us daily--in Communion, in our prayers. Advent looks at both Christ's first coming and His second coming. We need to remember to "Keep Awake"--Christ is Coming.  (Readings: Isaiah 64:1-9; Psalm 80:1-7, 16-18; 1 Corinthians 1:3-9; Mark 13:24-37) ...

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Nov 2023
Are We Making the Right Choices?

In today's Gospel (Matthew 25), Jesus speaks about judgment day when sheep will be separated from goats. Those who show kindness, mercy, caring "to the least of these" are rewarded with eternal life. Those who fail to show kindness, mercy, caring "to the least of these" will burn into eternal punishment. Are we making the right choices and showing kindness, mercy, and caring "to the least of these"?...

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Oct 2023
God Works Inside Us--Are We Listening?

Fr Michael Rasicci’s homily for the 18th Sunday after Pentecost, 10/01/2023. Calvary Episcopal Church, Batavia, IL.   (Readings: Exodus 17:1-7; Psalm 78:1-4, 12-16; Philippians 2:1-13; Matthew 21:23-32) YouTube Link: 2023-10-01–Holistic Eucharist–18th Sunday after Pentecost  Link: CEB Stewardship 2024  Link: Independent Movie Study 2023 Link: PayPal–Our Online Giving Resource ...

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Sep 2023
Forgive from the Heart

In the Gospel today, Jesus tells the story of a merciless servant who, after being forgiven an enormous debt by his lord, refuses to forgive another servant of a much smaller debt. The servant's lord is angry and has the merciless servant tortured until the debt is paid in full. Jesus says that God will do likewise with us unless we can forgive from the heart....

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