
Sep 2022
Called to Reflect Christ's Love and Mercy

As Baptized Christians, we are called to reflect Christ's love and mercy into our world throughout our lives. We are called to reflect Christ as members of His body and to express Christ's loving and concern, embracing others regardless of their behavior or background....

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Sep 2022
Jesus's Call to Us and to First Responders

Fr Michael Rasicci’s homily on the 14th Sunday after Pentecost, 9/11/2022–Patriot’s Day–21st Anniversary after the Attack on America. September 11, 2001, is a day the United States will never forget. Remembering this day of suffering and anguish also brings to mind stories of profound courage and compassion. Luke’s parables show two people who search diligently for something they have lost. Today is a time to remember not only what has been lost, but also what has been found, recovered, and celebrated as people all around us continue to work together to heal......

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Aug 2022
Christ Brings Division

Jesus tells His disciples that he came to bring fire to the earth, to create division in families. People choose to follow Jesus and His path home to God, letting go of other ways of living....

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Jul 2022
Being Rich Toward God--Treasure Map--Homily--8th Sunday after Pentecost--07-31-2022

Fr Atamian’s homily for the 8th Sunday after Pentecost, 07/31/2022, Calvary, Episcopal, Church, Batavia, IL, There is a parable in today’s Gospel (Luke 12: 13-21). A parable is a story with a punch line. The punch line in today’s parable is “Be Rich Toward God.” Jesus observed that where one’s treasure is, there, too, is one’s heart. Our Treasure Map needs to point the way to Be Rich Toward God. (Readings: Hosea 11: 1-11; Psalm 107: 1-9, 43; Colossians 3: 1-11; Luke 12: 13-21) YouTube Link: “Holistic Eucharist–8th Sunday after Pentecost” Link:......

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Jul 2022
"Jesus Teaches Persistent Prayer"--7th Sunday after Pentecost

Fr Mark Tusken’s homily for the 7th Sunday after Pentecost, 07/24/2022, at Calvary Episcopal Church, Batavia, IL. In today’s Gospel (Luke 11), His disciples ask Jesus how to pray. He shares with them the format for the Lord’s Prayer, then offers a parable of a person knocking on a neighbor’s door in the middle of the night to get some food to share with an unexpected guest. Ask, Seek, and Knock persistently and God will reward you. Mark adds the parable about the persistent widow (Luke 18) to whom an unjust judge......

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Jul 2022
Hospitality in the Presence of God--Being Present With Him

In today's Gospel (Luke 10), Jesus is visiting two sisters, Mary and Martha. Mary was sitting at the feet of Jesus, listening to every word. Martha was distracted by household hospitality. She asked Jesus to have Mary go to the kitchen to help. Jesus replied that Mary had made the best choice and that that would not be taken away from her....

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