
May 2023
What Jesus's Ascension Means For Us

By ascending to Heaven in human form, Jesus Christ nurtures us and represents us to the Father. By virtue of our baptism, we are one with Christ and Christ is one with us. The Holy Spirit, the comforter, is with us in times of joy and in times of trouble. We are called to continue the mission Jesus gave to His disciples and we need to have our thoughts, words, and actions reflect the love Christ shares with us in every moment....

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May 2023
The Holy Spirit Dwells Within Us

As Jesus was at the Last Supper with His disciples, He told them that, when Jesus returned to the Father, He would send the Holy Spirit to be with them--and within them. The Spirit of Truth, always inside and supporting regardless of what is happening. By virtue of our baptism, He is inside us and we are inside of Him....

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May 2023
Listening for Christ's Call

Jesus Christ is the "Good Shepherd." In today's Gospel (John 10: 1-10), Jesus speaks about being the gate to the sheepfold. His sheep recognize His voice and He will lead them. There are lots of voices around us today. We need to stay attuned to listen to Christ's voice as He calls to us....

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Apr 2023
Jesus Walks With Us

Fr Michael Rasicci’s homily for the 3rd Sunday of Easter, 04/23/2023. Today’s Gospel reading (Luke 24: 13-35) takes place on the road to Emmaus three days after Jesus’s crucifixion. Two disciples are walking toward Emmaus and a third person joins them. The disciples do not recognize Jesus and, along the road, he tells them the scripture background for all that had to happen to Jesus. They extend hospitality to the stranger, inviting him to stay with them overnight. At dinner, Jesus reveals Himself to them in the breaking of the bread, then......

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Apr 2023
Christ's Rising from the Dead Shows Us Eternal Life

Fr Michael Rasicci’s homily for Easter Sunday, 04/09/2023. Christ’s Rising from the Dead Shows Us Eternal Life   (Readings: Acts 10: 34:43; Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24; Colossians 3: 1-4; Matthew 28::1-10) YouTube Link: 2023-04-09–Holistic Eucharist–Easter Sunday Link: CEB Stewardship 2023 Link: Independent Movie Study 2023 Link: Snacking in the USA–Calvary Spring Fundraiser Link: PayPal–Our Online Giving Resource ...

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Mar 2023
Christ Gives a Blind Man Sight

By giving the blind man his sight, Jesus Christ restored more than sight to him. The formerly blind man had a new life. To receive his sight, the blind man had to wash in a pool--in the picture. This is also symbolic of baptism, with people baptized by water and the Holy Spirit. As we read more about the blind man, we see that he is becoming more aware of Spirit through the reading, eventually recognizing Jesus Christ as Lord and worshiping him....

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