
Jul 2024
Feeling the Compassion of Christ

In today's Gospel (Mark 6:30-34, 53-56), Jesus Christ felt compassion for the crowds that gathered around him. He acted out of that compassion. We, too, can feel that compassion and respond to it--feeding the hungry, helping those around us....

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Jul 2023
Pray Daily to Build Your Relationship with God

The Holy Spirit is with us from the moment we are baptized. The Holy Spirit knows us inside out and has direct connection and communication with God. For us to build our relationship with God, it is important for us to pray daily, to discern the presence of God in our lives, and for our lives to reflect Christ's love and teaching. The Episcopal Book of Common Prayer offers a great resource for prayer....

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Aug 2022
Put God First-Always--Homily--9th Sunday after Pentecost

Fr Thomas Atamian (Guest Priest)’s homily for the 9th Sunday after Pentecost, 08/08/2022.    In the first reading today, Isaiah calls Israelites to task for celebrating ritual sacrifices and living evil lives. Isaiah tells the Israelites to refrain from doing evil–putting other things before their regard for God.  In the second lesson, Paul writes to the Hebrews, telling of Abraham’s faith in following God’s directions, even to the point of sacrificing his oldest son, Isaac. God responded to Abraham by letting Abraham know that he was putting God first–before all else, even......

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