
Jun 2024
Parable of Growing Our Church

Our church has grown and evolved in all the years since then--sometimes with more members, sometimes with fewer members. We have never been huge. God looks into our hearts, and has planted a seed within each of us. We come together in Calvary to worship, to praise God, to learn, and to share. God helps us grow as individuals and as a parish community....

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Jun 2023
Dead to Sin: Alive to God

Fr Michael Rasicci’s homily for the 4th Sunday after Pentecost, 06/25/2023–Mass on the Grass In the Second Lesson today, (Romans 6: 1b-11) Paul reminds us that, in our baptism, we were made dead to sin. By accepting Christ through the same baptism, we share in His resurrection–and are Alive to God. From the time of Christ up to and including today, Christians are making daily choices that often result in a martyr’s death. In today’s Gospel (Mark 10: 24-39) Christ tells His disciples, “Do not fear those who kill the body but......

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