Three Things I Pray

Three Things I Pray

Fr Michael Rasicci’s homily for the 10th Sunday after Lent, 07/28/2024. Calvary Episcopal Church, Batavia, IL

In the Gospel today, John tells of a time when Jesus fed 5,000 people with 5 barley loaves and two fish that a boy had provided. During Fr Mike’s recent vacation and retreat, his cousin (a cook) asked Fr Mike “What are you hungry for?”

We need to hunger to do more with Christ. Fr Mike encourages everyone to use this prayer: “Dear Lord, three things I pray. To see thee more clearly. To Love thee more dearly. and to Follow thee more nearly, day by day.”

(Readings: 2 Samuel 11:1-15; Psalm 14; Ephesians 3:14-21; John 6:1-21)

YouTube Link: 2024-07-28–Holistic Eucharist–10th Sunday after Pentecost.

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