Easter Flowers

You are invited to contribute to our Easter Flower Fund in dedication to a special loved one. All who contribute will have reserved commemoration space in our Easter Sunday Bulletin. The minimum suggested donation is $10.00. 

To make a dedication, please use the form below to specify “in memory of” OR “in thanksgiving for.” After placing your order online, you may mail a check to the church office, drop it in the collection plate, or pay via Zelle. Make checks payable to Calvary Episcopal Church, and specify “Easter flowers” in the memo line. The submission deadline to have your dedication printed in the Easter bulletin is April 3, 2023.

Online Form: Easter Flower Dedication
Address: 222 S. Batavia Ave, Bataiva, IL 60510
Contact Us: (630) 879-3379 *301 or cavarybataviagrowingfaith@gmail.com
Due Date: Apr 03, 2023

The event is finished.


Mar 08 2023


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Calvary Episcopal Church
222 S Batavia Ave, Batavia, IL 60510
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