Sermons Archive

Jesus Drives Out Evil Spirits

Category: Jesus Drives Out Evil Spirits / Speaker: The Reverend Michael D. Rasicci
June 19, 2022

In our lives we may find many things that distract us. It is important to remain aware of what we are doing and ask for Christ's help to live the best lives we can.

“When the Holy Spirit Comes”–Homily–Trinity Sunday

Category: When the Holy Spirit Comes / Speaker: The Reverend Michael D. Rasicci
June 13, 2022

Fr Michael Rasicci’s homily for Trinity Sunday, 06/12/2022. The Trinity is a mystery–one God in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Jesus told His disciples that he had more to teach them and that...

Come, Holy Spirit–Pentecost Homily

Category: Holy Spirit--Pentecost Homily / Speaker: The Reverend Michael D. Rasicci
June 05, 2022

Fr Michael Rasicci’s homily for Pentecost Sunday, 06/05/2022. Jesus shared the Holy Spirit with his apostles through His breath. After His crucifixion and resurrection, the Holy Spirit came to the Early Christians in Jerusalem gathered...

Through Christ, We Are One With God

Category: We Are One With God / Speaker: The Reverend Michael D. Rasicci
May 29, 2022

Through our baptism, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and God are with us forever. As Christ taught his disciples to "be One with Him", we, too, need to learn to change our hearts, to be One...

Shalom–God’s Peace–Homily for the 6th Sunday of Easter

Category: Shalom--God's Peace / Speaker: The Reverend Michael D. Rasicci
May 23, 2022

Fr Michael Rasicci’s homily for the 6th Sunday of Easter, 05/22/2022. Jesus, when giving Peace to the disciples, used the word “Shalom”–God’s Peace—not peace as the world understands, Peace with the fullness of God’s blessings....

Love Like Jesus

Category: "Love Like Jesus" / Speaker: The Reverend Michael D. Rasicci
May 15, 2022

Fr Michael Rasicci’s homily for the 5th Sunday of Easter, 05/15/2022, “Love Like Jesus” At our baptism, the Holy Spirit entered us and we are part of the “Body of Christ”–as we continue to grow...

Listen for the Voice of Jesus

Category: Listen for the Voice of Jesus / Speaker: The Reverend Michael D. Rasicci
May 10, 2022

Fr Michael Rasicci’s homily for the 4th Sunday of Easter, 05/08/2022. Listen for the Voice of Jesus with the ears of our heart. Now is the time to listen to our Shepherd’s voice. (Readings: Acts...

“Do You Love Me?”–Homily–3rd Sunday of Easter

Category: "Do You Love Me?" / Speaker: The Reverend Michael D. Rasicci
May 01, 2022

Fr Michael Rasicci’s homily for the 3rd Sunday of Easter, 05/01/2022. This was the third time Jesus appeared to his disciples after His resurrection. He asks Simon Peter this question three times, then gives Simon...

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