
Jan 2024
Follow Me--I will make you fishers of men

In today's Gospel reading, (Mark 1: 14-20) and in Luke 5: (1-11), Jesus demonstrates His gifts and calls His disciples to him. They immediately leave what they were doing and follow him. How are we letting go of what preoccupies us and follow where Christ calls us to go, to do what Christ calls us to do, to be what Christ calls us to be?...

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Jan 2024
If You Believe, You Will See Greater Things

Homily–“If You Believe, You Will See Greater Things” Fr Michael Rasicci’s homily for the 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany, 01/14/2024, “Companion Diocese Sunday” In today’s Gospel (John 1: 43-51), Jesus begins to expand his teaching to the world. Nathan, who had never met Jesus before, listens to Him for the first time and immediately recognizes Jesus as “the Son of God, the King of Israel.” Jesus tells Nathan that, “If he believes, he will see greater things.” Today our collection goes to support the work of our two Companion Dioceses, Southeast Mexico......

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