
Dec 2016

We are well into our annual collection of toys to give to children for Christmas. We do this through the Batavia Fire Department. We especially need toys for the 13-17 age groups and all are welcome. Calvary Sunday School children have set up our giving Christmas Tree in memorial hall. Please bring your unwrapped presents and put them under the tree.  We would like all toys in by the 4th Sunday in Advent (12/18/2016) so that they may be distributed before Christmas....

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Nov 2016

As of 11/28, 19 pledges come to slightly over $50,000 toward our goal of $250,000.  Stewardship Sunday (when we hope all pledges are returned) is the second Sunday in Advent (12/4/2016).  If you can, watch “It’s a Wonderful Life” on NBC 5 on Saturday, 12/3/2016, at 7:00 PM. Thanks to all who have already turned-in their pledges! :-)   Calvary Stewardship Pledge Card 2017 Calvary 2017 Stewardship Campaign...

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Nov 2016

Our Calvary Community Thanksgiving Dinner wase held at Calvary Episcopal Church in Batavia following the 10:15AM Holy Eucharist on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 24, 2016. Mory and Marsha Synder hosted the Thanksgiving Dinner. 14 people from the parish and our community joined together for the Thanksgiving dinner of turkey, dressing, lots of veggies, and lots of pie.  Several members of the parish dropped off dishes for the dinner and had other commitments. Thanks to everyone who participated in any way! Here is an album of some of the photos taken today.

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Nov 2016

Calvary’s “Why do we do what we do?” Class meets the third Tuesday of each month through June, 2017. Led by Fr Michael Rasicci, this class explores “Why do we do what we do?”  Living as Christians in the modern world, this class looks at how the roots of our faith can guide us through our daily lives. We meet in Memorial Hall of Calvary Episcopal Church, 222 S Batavia Ave, Batavia, IL 60510. Class times are from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM.  ...

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Nov 2016

Here is a copy of the Calvary Stewardship Pledge Card for 2017.  Please view the Calvary Stewardship Presentation 2017 and consider making your pledge.  You can click on the link, print-out the Pledge Card, complete it, and bring it or mail it to Calvary. We’ll post a copy of the Calvary Stewardship Letter for 2017 as soon as it is ready.   2017-calvary-stewardship-pledge-card (You can print the card above and complete it off-line)    ...

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Nov 2016

We celebrate Christmas and Advent at Calvary Episcopal Church in Batavia, IL.  Come join us! We have a Christmas Eve service and two services on Christmas Day–our 8:00 AM service and our 10:15 Service. We also serve a Community Christmas Dinner following the 10:15 service–starting about 12:00 PM. Sign-up to come and to bring a pot-luck to share.  We’d love to see you.  More details about Christmas Eve and Advent coming soon....

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