
Mar 2017

Part 2 of Fr. Mike’s “What in the World”  Class on 03/14/2017. This class looks at a Christian perspective (sometimes historical) on current events introduced by members of the small group. In this class, several topics were discussed.  There are two videos (Part 1 and Part2) for the 03/14/2017 class.  ...

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Mar 2017

Part 1 of Fr. Mike’s “What in the World”  Class on 03/14/2017. This class looks at a Christian perspective (sometimes historical) on current events introduced by members of the small group. In this class, several topics were discussed.  There are two videos (Part 1 and Part2) for the 03/14/2017 class.  ...

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Mar 2017  Calvary 2017 Online Lenten Program Series, Lent 1 (03/08/2017) Topic–The People of Calvary Episcopal Church–Spiritual Gift-Hospitality–Live portion of the program recorded at Calvary Episcopal Church.  To participate in the Online Program, go to the Online Lenten Series Forum and respond to Topic 1. We had 5 tables with 5 people each for the first week of the series.  Thanks to the Calvary Vestry who hosted the Simple Supper. Check-out the video on YouTube.  (Our post about the Lenten Series is on our companion website,  ...

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Mar 2017

Calvary Episcopal Batavia has a new website (a sub-domain) dedicated to Online Education.  Find it at Our first online education program is Calvary’s 2017 Online Lenten Program Series.  You’ll find videos from the live Simple Suppers and programs along with a forum and topics that online participants can engage in. If you can’t come to all five weeks of the program (or if you want more), participate in the online program, free of charge....

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