Author Archives: Joel Montgomery

Joel Montgomery
in When You Pray

Part 1-When You Pray 6–Prayer in Depth

“When You Pray” Group Class, 03/07/2017–Part 1– Fr Mike guides the group to explore Christian prayer in depth with the aid of writings from the Roman Catholic church, the Orthodox Catholic church, and early Lutheran...

March 08, 2017
in Church

Understanding the Refugee Experience

Saint Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Downer’s Grove is hosting at the workshop, Understanding the Refugee Experience and Process of Coming to the US St Andrews Refugee announcement The event takes place on March 11, 2017....

February 25, 2017
in Church

Spiritual Gifts–Definitions

Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are a variety of activities, but it is the same God who activates...

February 24, 2017

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