Vestry Updates

The CEB Vestry is elected at the annual meeting each year. Terms are normally for three years. In the same election, a Junior and Senior Warden for the Vestry are elected. The Rector and the Junior and Senior Wardens are the officers of the Parish, especially for legal documents. Vestry Meetings are open and a Vestry Clerk is elected to take down notes and minutes for the meetings and to document resolutions–the official format for taking action to support the needs of the Parish.

This page will have the most current Vestry Notes and Minutes–after they have been reviewed and approved by the Vestry (so they’re about a month behind when posted.) Any other information coming from the Vestry will also be posted on this page.


CEB 2024 Annual Meeting–01-28-2024

CEB 2023 Annual Report

CEB 2024 Parish Annual Meeting–Zoom Video

Notes and Minutes from the CEB 2024 Annual Meeting

Edited Transcript from the CEB 2024 Annual Meeting

CEB 2023 Annual Meeting–01-29-2023

CEB 2022 Annual Report

Notes and Minutes from the CEB 2023 Annual Meeting


CEB 2022 Annual Meeting–01-30-2022

CEB 2021 Annual Report

CEB 2022 Annual Meeting–Zoom-Speaker-View

CEB 2022 Annual Meeting–Zoom-Gallery-View

Notes and Minutes from CEB 2022 Annual Meeting–not approved until CEB 2023 Annual Meeting




CEB 2021 Annual Meeting–05-02-2021

CEB 2020 Annual Report

Notes and Minutes from CEB 2021 Annual Meeting






Calvary Chili Cook-off 2022

Calvary Chili Cook-off 2022–11/06/2022

Approved Notes and Minutes from CEB Vestry Meetings 2024












Approved Notes and Minutes from CEB Vestry Meetings 2023








2023-02-13-CEB Vestry Notes and Minutes

2023-01-09-CEB Vestry Notes and Minutes



2022/01/10–CEB Vestry Meeting Notes and Minutes








01/11/2021–CEB Vestry Meeting Notes and Minutes

02/08/2021–CEB Vestry Meeting Notes and Minutes

03/08/2021–CEB Vestry Meeting Notes and Minutes

04/12/2021–CEB Vestry Meeting Notes and Minutes

05/10/2021–CEB Vestry Notes and Minutes

06/14/2021–CEB Vestry Meeting Notes and Minutes

07/12/2021–CEB Vestry Meeting Notes and Minutes

08/09/2021–CEB Vestry Meeting Notes and Minutes

09/13/2021–CEB Vestry Meeting Notes and Minutes






 10/11/2021–CEB Vestry Meeting Notes and Minutes

11/08/2021–CEB Vestry Meeting Notes and Minutes

12/13/2021–CEB Vestry Meeting Notes and Minutes












Approved CEB Resolutions

Approved CEB Resolutions 2024

CEB-Resolution-2024-01-Approve using services from an Intuit-Quick-Books Consultant

CEB-Resolution-2024-02-Increase base salary for Fr Michael Rasicci

CEB-Resolution-2024-03–Increase base salary for Calvary Staff

CEB-Resolution-2024-04-Approve no more than $500 for brunch catering for 2024 Annual Meeting

CEB-Resolution-2024-05–Approve 2024 Budget for Calvary Episcopal Church, Batavia, IL

CEB-Resolution-2024-06–Approve up to $1,600 for Enhanced VPS Service for

CEB-Resolution-2024-07–Approve $2,900 for urgent repairs to Rectory Guest Bathroom

CEB Resolution-2024-08-Provide up to $350 to purchase audible smoke and CO detectors for Calvary.

CEB-Resolution-2024-09-Set aside up to $500 to cater the 2024 Calvary Annual Picnic.

CEB-Resolution-2024-10-Change how the Rector’s Discretionary Fund is distributed–One month the money collected will be set aside to help Calvary families in need. On alternating months for one year the money will be distributed to one of three charities selected to receive these contributions. (Salvation Army, St Vincent DuPaul, Shepherd’s Heart)

Approved CEB Resolutions 2023

CEB Resolution 2023-01–Increase the budget for salaried positions for 2023.

CEB Resolution 2023-02–Allocation for replacement of two AC/Furnace Units for Calvary office.

CEB Resolution 2023-03–Hire Dave Evensen one-day per week until the new Office Administrator is hired.

CEB Resolution 2023-04–Purchase a FoMaKo 30X Optical Zoom HDMI Bundle (2 PTZ cameras and a controller) from Amazon.–Includes 3-year protection plan.

CEB Resolution 2023-05–Purchase a third FoMaKo PTZ camera for use in the Sanctuary–Amazon will be the source for the camera.–Includes protection plan.

CEB Resolution 2023-06–Install PTZ cameras and related Ethernet equipment in the Sanctuary. Chris Chiaramonte is authorized to do the work.

CEB Resolution 2023-07–Complete work of refinishing trim in the Rectory.

CEB Resolution 2023-08–Power wash, sand, and repair entry and deck of rectory.

CEB Resolution 2023-09–Repair of Calvary roof–extra sum beyond insurance coverage–to be used as needed. ASI is authorized to do the work.

CEB Resolution 2023-10–Repair of Calvary Roof–ASI is authorized to do the work–funds paid from insurance settlement approved

CEB Resolution 2023-11–Sequence of Checks for Calvary Roof Repairs

CEB Resolution 2023-12–Remove damaged limb on maple tree at rectory

CEB Resolution 2023-13–Remove oak tree and stump from Calvary’s west yard.

CEB Resolution 2023-14–Support for the Batavia Ministerial Association

CEB Resolution 2023-15–Support for Alpha

CEB-Resolution-2023-16–Part-time salary  approved for the Director of Child and Youth Christian Formation

CEB-Resolution-2023-17–2 tuning calls per year for Calvary’s organ–Bogue Services is authorized to do the work.

CEB-Resolution-2023-18–Pay for faucet replacement

CEB-Resolution-2023-19–Provide $500 for meat for Calvary’s Annual Picnic

CEB-Resolution-2023-20–Offer position of Director of Child and Youth Christian Formation to Ross Neir

CEB Resolution 2023-21–Approve expense for new Calvary Sign–Aubrey Sign Company is authorized to do the work.

CEB-Resolution-2023-22–Severance Pay Provisions for Employees

CEB-Resolution-2023-23–Set aside $1,000 for IT Infrastructure–Jason Barzak will administer.

CEB-Resolution-2023-24–Reimburse the General Fund from Unrestricted Funds for Excess Discretionary-Fund-Expenses

CEB-Resolution-2023-25-Approve one check signer for the General Fund.

CEB-Resolution-2023-26–Approve Fr Mike’s choice for health insurance 2024

CEB-Resolution-2023-27–Approve Fr Mike’s choice for dental insurance 2024

CEB-Resolution-2023-28–Approve 2 Signers for the General Account

CEB-Resolution-2023-29–Approval for Unique Lawn Care for Snow Removal 2024

CEB-Resolution-2023-30-Approval to Revise Chart of Accounts–The Executive Geek is authorized to do the work.

CEB-Resolution-2023-31-Discontinue Discretionary Fund Expenses for 6 months

CEB-Resolution 2023-32-Approval to Pay Balance of Expense to Aubrey Sign Company for new Calvary Sign.

CEB-Resolution-2023-33–Approval for up to $300 for up to 2 banners for 2023 Calvary Christmas Services








Approved CEB Resolutions 2022

CEB-Resolution-2022-01–2022 Budget

CEB Resolution 2022-02–Housing Allowance

CEB Resolution 2022-03–Staff Salaries

CEB Resolution 2022-04–Quarterly-Financial-Reporting

CEB Resolution 2022-05-Funding for Vestry-Retreat

CEB Resolution 2022-06–Funding for Fr Mike’s Sabatical

CEB Resolution 2022-07–Funding for Mold Remediation in the Rectory

CEB Resolution 2022-08–Funding for Phase 1 Repairs to Pipe Organ

CEB Resolution 2022-09–Funding for Tuning the Pipe Organ

CEB-Resolution 2022-10-Tune the Organ-Part 2

CEB Resolution 2022-11–Critter Control for Rectory

CEB Resolution 2022-12–Yardwork and Plants at Calvary

CEB Resolution 2022-13–Trimming Trees and Bushes at Rectory

CEB Resolution 2022-14–Replacement of Guest Room Shower Door at Rectory

CEB Resolution 2022-15–Additional Funds for Vacation Bible School 2022

CEB-Resolution 2022-16–Sept 18-Mass-on-the-Grass–Calvary-Picnic

CEB-Resolution-2022-17–Changing Signers on Calvary Account

CEB-Resolution-2022-18–Adding Signer to Calvary Account

CEB Resolution 2022-19–Reallocating $850  for Rectory Improvements

CEB Resolution 2022-20–Allocating $5,000 for Rectory Improvements

CEB Resolution 2022-21–List of Signers on Calvary Accounts available at Vestry Meetings

CEB Resolution 2022-22–Motion to pay up to $1,000 in Legal Fees

CEB Resolution 2022-23–Motion to pay up to $240 for refreshments for Vestry Retreat 10/16/2022

CEB Resolution 2022-24–Motion to approve Fr Michael Rasicci’s healthcare choices for 2023

CEB Resolution 2022-25–Motion to form a committee to search for a new Office Administrator

CEB Resolution 2022-26–Motion to Host Community Dinners at Thanksgiving and Christmas, 2022

CEB Resolution 2022-27–Motion to provide card with Calvary info and invitation to Worship and Refreshments with Us for every person or place-holder, Fall-o-Ween, Thanksgiving and Christmas Dinners

Approved CEB Resolutions 2021

CEB-Resolution-2021-01–Clergy and Staff Salaries for 2021

CEB Resolution 2021-02–Approved Budget for 2021

CEB Resolution 2021-03–Replacement Furnace

CEB Resolution 2021-04–Sitelock Service for Church Website

CEB Resolution 2021-05–Code Guard Subscription for Church Website

CEB Resolution 2021-06–Pledge for Common Mission Share to the Diocese of Chicago

CEB Resolution 2021-07–Gift to Batavia Ministerial Association Assistance Fund

CEB Resolution 2021-08–Approval of funding for Tello Landscaping for Calvary Site Clean-up

CEB Resolution 2021-09–Approval of funding for repair of “Red Doors” at the Northwest entrance to the Sanctuary

CEB Resolution 2021-10–Approval of funding for replacement of heating and air conditioning for Memorial Hall

CEB Resolution 2021-11–Approval of transfer of $40,000 from the general fund to Special Funds

CEB-Resolution 2021-12–Approval of change of members on the Foundation Board

CEB-Resolution 2021-13–Approval of a new signer on the Special Funds Account

CEB-Resolution 2021-14–Approval for use of Special Funds for Special Rectory Clean-up

CEB Resolution 2021-15–Approval for removal of 2 maple trees on rectory grounds

CEB Resolution 2021-16–Approval of Fr Michael Rasicci’s health and dental plans for 2022.

CEB Resolution 2021-17–Approval of Snow Removal Bid from Unique for 2021-2022



Approved CEB Resolutions 2020




2020-04-Support-for Homeless-and-Near-Homeless-with-Batavia-Ministerial-Association-COVID-19-Related





2020-09-Keeping Matt Blanks as pastoral musician through 12/31/2020.


2020-11-Roofing Repair

2020-12-Expanding Sewer Line to Calvary

2020-13-Approval of Fr Mike’s 2021-Medical-Plan

2020-14-Approval of Contract for Snow Removal 2020-2021

2020-15-Change-2021-Annual-Meeting-to-04/11/2020 and Extend Terms of 2020 Vestry to that meeting



Capital Campaign 2020

Stewardship–More than Pledging



2020 Annual Meeting of Calvary Parish

Notes and Minutes from the 2020 Annual Meeting of Calvary Parish


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