Jan 2025
In addition to being the Companion Diocese Sunday, this week also falls into the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The theme (challenge) for this year is "Do You Believe This?" (Jesus Christ's question to Martha when he went to see her after Lazarus had died.- This was Martha's response to Jesus's question:
"Yes, Lord," she told him. "I have always believed you are the Messiah, the Son of God, the one who has come into the world from God." (John 11: 21-27 NLT)
In today's Gospel (John 2: 17-27) Jesus performs the miracle......
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Mar 2024
Jesus is giving signs of His mission and who He is. Many times in the Bible, Christ's disciples have to wait for an experience before they understand what Jesus shared with them. We, too, are given gifts from God from our baptism onward. How can we tune-in more to the presence of God?...
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