
Apr 2024
We Are God's Children Now

As baptized Christians--by water and the Spirit--We Are Children of God Now. Our lives need to reflect Christ's teachings and our everyday life should reflect Christ and the Holy Spirit's presence within us....

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Apr 2024
We Are Resurrected with Christ--Easter Sunday Homily

In our Baptism, we die and are buried with Jesus Christ. At the same time we are resurrected with Christ and He lives in us and we in Him. Through Jesus Christ we enjoy the promise of eternal life with God. Jesus's rising from the Dead made a great difference in the lives and attitudes of the disciples.....

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Mar 2024
Building Trust--A Solid Foundation--Homily--4th Sunday of Lent

Before a bird will sit on a person's finger, he will peck at the finger to see if it is solid enough to hold him. Nicodemus tested Jesus and Jesus shared some of His wisdom with Nicodemus. We, too, sometimes test Jesus to see if we can trust Him. While His words are sometimes confusing, his Disciples came to trust him--with everything. We, too, need to put our trust and faith in Jesus and to act accordingly....

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Mar 2024
I Will Raise This Temple in Three Days

Jesus is giving signs of His mission and who He is. Many times in the Bible, Christ's disciples have to wait for an experience before they understand what Jesus shared with them. We, too, are given gifts from God from our baptism onward. How can we tune-in more to the presence of God?...

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Feb 2024
Christ Begins to Share His Divinity

We, too, have a responsibility to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Part of this sharing is through outreach throughout the world on World Mission Sunday. Our collection will be divided between World Mission Outreach and our two companion dioceses, Southeast Mexico and Renk, South Sudan. (Use the PayPal QR code to donate online)...

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Jan 2024
Jesus Demonstrates His Authority

n today's Gospel (Mark 1: 21-28), Jesus displays His authority by removing an unclean spirit from a man. This was a start to the expansion of Jesus's ministry. Jesus calls to us to expand our ministry--we need to listen....

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