Pastoral Updates:

Upcoming Special Services 2025

Note: Go to the Upcoming Events Pages for details and to download bulletins for each service. 

Sunday, January 26, 2025   Calvary Parish Annual Meeting following the 10:15 service

Sunday, February 2, 2025  Bishop Paula Clark of the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago will visit Calvary and be present at the 10:15 Eucharist–the only service that day. Adults and Children ready to be confirmed in or received by the Episcopal Church will be recognized during the service.







January 12, 2025
Dear Parishioners and Friends of Calvary,

A note on Stewardship–Stewardship is giving back to God from what God has given to us. It is also focused on helping Calvary achieve its mission as a parish and a community of caring Christians.

Traditionally Stewardship involves pledging a stream of income to support Calvary and its mission.  It also includes a commitment to prayer and worship, coming to Calvary and sharing in the life of the parish. God has given us many talents, part of stewardship is sharing those talents as part of the mission and life of the parish.

The Wardens, Vestry and I want you all to know that we’re trying hard to weather the uncertain times we’re in, while at the same time trying to carry on our life and ministry. You know your own struggles at this time to meet your financial obligations. It’s the same for Calvary.

We need the committed support of our members to help meet the expenses we still have and those bills plus our usual expenses plus payroll will come due.

If you can pay on your pledge, or make your non-pledged contribution as you would normally, or if perhaps you’re in the position to make a donation above your pledge, we can really use your help!

You can donate through PayPal or through your bank or through the mail, or however you usually give. But please remember that this isn’t about anything more than assuring that the life and ministry of Calvary Episcopal Church in Batavia can continue beyond the end of the pandemic and for many, many years to come.

Please visit our Give page on this website for more information.

Since 1855 we’ve weathered a number of storms, set-backs, epidemics, depressions, and moments of great upheaval in our society. May our Lord give us the resolve, the courage and strength to take the steps necessary to see us through the next 165 years and beyond.

Gratefully yours in Christ,
The Reverend Michael D. Rasicci, Rector
Joel Montgomery, Stewardship Chair

Virtual Homilies & Services:

These recordings are available on our Calvary Episcopal Church, Batavia, IL YouTube Channel.  Here is the link to the Channel.

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