Author Archives: Joel Montgomery

Joel Montgomery
in Prayer

“When You Pray . . .” #5–Temptations

“When You Pray . . .” Class, Session 5, Temptations (02/07/2017). Fr Mike focused on the temptations while at prayer. Most of the handout came from the Internet–the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Simplified. The Battle...

February 08, 2017
in Evil

What in the World Class–Evil in the World

“What in the World” Class–Evil in the World  (01/09/2017)  Fr Michael Rasicci addresses the ever present question, “When God is a loving God, why is there evil in the world?”      

January 11, 2017
Congregational Life-Cycle Model
in Church

Congregational Life-Cycle Model

Congregational Life Cycle Model Life-cycle of an organization–living model (like a tree) rather than mechanistic. We use terms as diagnostic vs judgements. In a healthy spot, ongoing renewal is vitally important. When stagnant, stale–ongoing renewal,...

January 10, 2017

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