Calvary–“Our Cute Little Church on the Corner”
Fr Michael Rasicci’s homily for 07/07/2024, the 7th Sunday after Pentecost and the 143rd Anniversary of the Consecration of Calvary Parish–Calvary Episcopal Church, Batavia, IL
On July 2, 1881, 143 years ago, Calvary Parish was consecrated as part of the Episcopal Diocese of Illinois (now part of the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago). We celebrate this anniversary on the first Sunday in July each year.
In the Second Lesson today (from 2 Corinthians 12), St Paul says that Jesus Christ said to St Paul (in Spirit), “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.”
We come together in this church to pray, to worship, to learn, to share as a community of faith. at many of our times together, we join in our prayer for the mission of Calvary parish: “Loving God, through your grace guide us, the people of Calvary Episcopal Church, to joyfully carry out our mission of growing faith in your Son, Jesus Christ. Fill us with your Holy Spirit that we may develop a living faith that deepens our understanding of you and strengthens our awareness of the needs of others. May we be a transforming light within our parish and within the community. All this we ask in the Name of your Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.”
Throughout our 143 years, the number of families in our parish has varied though our commitment to Christ and His teachings and as a community of faith has not. Some people refer to us as a “cute little church on the corner.” We rely on Christ’s grace and the Holy Spirit and experience power made perfect in weakness. Our doors and our hearts are open to the Holy Spirit working within us.
(Readings: 2 Samuel 5: 1-5, 9-10; Psalm 48; 2 Corinthians 12:2-10; Mark 6:1-13)
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